ethics morals


Goals and Themes

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Goals and Themes

General ethical aspects (from a more philosophical point of view) of our relations with aged persons or of us, as aged persons, towards the “others” – the younger population. Aspects related to health care, medical ethics, and concrete practical aspects that involve the health care of the elderly.

Concrete themes

1. Poses aging an ethical problem?

2. Moral status of the aged, human rights, and futility of therapy.

3. Allocation problems, social and financial aspects; financial slippery slopes.

4. Ethical theory and practices in medicine and beyond.

5. Concepts of death, permanent vegetative state, and brain death, hospice problems.

6. Comparative Religion point of view; Christian, Buddhist, Muslim.

7. Case study: The most difficult case in my life.

8. Euthanasia, Paternalism, Dutch experience; Euthanasia in all aspects (in particular active and passive); Paternalism poses concrete problems in circumstances linked with terminally ill patients, especially given ambiguity consequent to advances in medical science which offer new possibilities for life.

9. Organ donation and old patient.

10. Evidence based biomedical ethics: is it possible?

11. Autonomy, including problems of informed consent (in Germany, a new law has recently been implemented.); allocation, medical and financial aspects of aged patients, and ethical committees.

12. ICU and terminal care: Withdrawal, withholding, terminal sedation; the "principle" of double effect and its philosophical facets.

13. Jurist’s practical advice: what we must do, what we may do, what we should not do.

14. Do we need religion to be moral?

15. Political and practical aspects of aging and health care, practical biomedical ethics: rules for a nurse or a physician; EBM for medical ethics – guidelines for elderly patient: perspectives: Can we implement one or two issues from this conference as concrete measures?

16. Is an old person “a minority” that needs special protection, and additional rights?

17. Distributive justice and the old age: what do we deserve?

18. Meta-ethical related questions.

19. Foundations of ethics in relation to an ageing subject.

20. Problems of “Hume’s law” and the subject of morality.




Specific interests.

1. Moral status (of particular interest may be "theory of concerns" of approach developed by Professors S. Blackburn or J. Prinz).

2. Autonomy, including problems of informed consent (actually in Germany a new law has come into power).

3. Paternalism poses concrete problems in the circumstances linked with the terminally ill patients where the advancement of medical science introduces much ambiguity by the new possibilities for life prolongation.

4. Allocation of scarce resources/therapy in the society with increased health care expenses and increased needs.

5. Euthanasia, all its aspects (in particular active and passive)

6. Particularly the "principle" of double effect and its philosophical facets

7. Aspects of organ donation

8. Financial slippery slope

9. Some other "slippery slopes"

10 The concept of "futility" of therapy and all difficulties that it has

11. Metaethical related questions

12. Foundation of ethics in relation to an ageing subject

13. Problems of the “Humes law” and the subject of morality

Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e. V.

ethics for an ageing world

International Conference
Greifswald (Heringsdorf, Island of Usedom) Germany
September 23-26, 2010

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Deadline for Abstract Submission
has been extended to 15. August